Print Print 2016-04-09

Partly Facetious: Imran delivered impressive speech

"Khwaja Asif needs to be demoted from Mian sahib's A team to B team."
Published April 9, 2016

"Khwaja Asif needs to be demoted from Mian sahib's A team to B team."
"Whatever for?"
"I attended the assembly session and Khwaja Asif came out as a small minded petty man and his defense of the Prime Minister's children - a bit silly as he is neither one of the accused nor was probably shown any documents - was based on attacking the PPP leadership for corruption and the Shaukat Khanum Hospital for bad investments from endowments which he defined as worse than having an offshore account..."
"Hey, his Prime Minister told him what to say and he said it..."
"OK, but Mian sahib needs to get a recording of the Khan's speech, by blacking it out on the tax payers funded television, he remains unaware of the poor performance of his B team which need I add is getting bigger and bigger, and where was Dar the Finance Minister who gave the affidavit that he laundered money for the Sharif family? Is he still in the A team you reckon?"
"He was feting a low level visiting International Monetary Fund mission, a team that more self respecting countries senior members of the executive do not meet and, at best, they get to meet with the Secretary Finance; but our Finance Minister took the visiting team to meet the Prime Minister as well. Anyway in this instance he has been silent so I would place him in the C team - C standing for concealment of his self."
"Ridiculous I agree... anyway Chaudhry Nisar was initially present during the session and then left, didn't say a word and I respect him for that."
"Yes, even the Khan has admitted that Chaudhry Nisar is not a courtier (darbari). Anyway I was extremely impressed with the Khan's speech who said three things basically. First, that turning their guns against the opposition is futile as the allegations were not made by them and..."
"These are not allegations my friend, the offshore accounts have been acknowledged by the family, the issue is their claim that it was rags to riches story post their exile without any money transfer from Pakistan."
"Unbelievable! And secondly, the Khan said that it is the government's responsibility to initiate cases against the members of the opposition so if there are irregularities then the government should initiate an investigation."
"And thirdly, he requested an inquiry commission headed by the sitting chief justice and, as he does not have any investigative capacity, to give him a team of forensic auditors to probe the offshore accounts. If it doesn't happen then the dharna would be in Raiwaind."
"But what impressed me the most was the Khan's address to the PML-N backbenchers: courage he said many times when they clapped on cue at Khwaja's vicious and senseless attack against the PPP and the PTI, and tried to boo the Khan's speech...democracy he said requires the opposition to raise such matters and the party in power must have the courage to listen politely."
"For that to happen would require a new set of leadership, and by leadership I do not mean the B teams."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2016


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